Breaking News:
Hello Fellow Adventurer's, and welcome all you new Adventurer's!
It is that time of year again. The 6th Annual Explore the Bruce Adventure Passport Contest start Saturday May 1st and runs through till Friday December 3rd, 2010. This year we asked you the FAN to choose your favourite location across the Bruce to make as a passport stop and we listened. The Grotto in Bruce Peninsula National Park won hands down.
The passports are at the printer right now and will be in a black box in 12 secret locations thorughout the Bruce, ready for your next adventure to begin May 1st.
It is simple visit the Adventure Passport Official Website for all the details, tips, clues, maps, and to order your adeventure passport. Don't forget to send in your photos from your adventurer and you could get a chance to be a "Featured Adventurer" on our website!
If you are a facebooker, check out our Facebook Fan Page and share your stories from your adventure with others, shhhhhhhh... don't give away all the secrets, because you don't want to take all the fun out of the adventure now do you...
P.S. If you are in Owen Sound this weekend, check out the Home & Cottage Expo taking place at the Harry Lumley Bayshore Community Centre at 1900 3rd Ave E. Bruce County has a booth and our Explore the Bruce Adventure Team will be on hand, we are having a contest. Plus we are going to have Adventure Passports on hand Hot of the Press, and will be giving them out to early bird adventurer's. You know you can't start the contest till May 1st, but think of all the fun you could have getting ready for your next Adventure!!!